There is no bond stronger than that of a mother and a child, and what better way to express this than through mother-daughter fashion!
In addition to their February Laptop Bag Giveaway, they are having a 2nd February giveaway. Enter below to win a $25 gift certificate. Good Luck Everyone!
a meNmommy giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway
You are great. I don't see any possible improvements!
Love the website- no improvements I can think of.
more colors!
no improvements I can think of.
I think you need to state what your company is about on your homepage. I do love the classic feel of the site.
As long as you continue writing honest posts, then there is not anything you need to do to improve your page.
The fact that you are asking for suggestions shows that you are open to improvement which says a lot about you a very good way.
I dont think it needs improving. I like it the way it is!
doesnt need improving! i like it the way it is!
Ilove your giveaway. My problem is facebook and Twitter. I have too many likes and follows!
the clothing website? maybe more selection of clothing...i assume that is what u wanted suggestions for
I do love your website it is easy to get around, but maybe you could add a little more color to make it brighter. (but really its great the way it is.)
I would suggest making your pictures in your reviews/posts a little bit bigger.
Just do honest reviews :)
more outfit choices
I like your site as it is easy on the eye.
Thanks everyone for entering and your kind words and suggestions.
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