July 21, 2012

What Is Your Website's Best Social Source? July Update

It has been about a month since my post  "What Is Your Website's Best Social Source?".  I share this blog on several social networks and I wanted to see which ones were performing the best.  I also decided to make it a monthly thing and see what changes take place.

I was somewhat surprised by some of the differences from last month and others I expected.  These are stats I get from Google Analytics for 2012.

  Social Source Traffic - Top 5 

                   As of June 18, 2012                                                                  As of July 18, 2012
  1. Stumble Upon with 124 connections - 32.67%                1.  Facebook  592 friends - 36.67%
  2. Twitter with 3,361 followers - 18.67%                             2.  Stumble Upon  129 connections - 24%
  3. Facebook with 563 friends - 16.00%                              3.  Blogger - 17.67%
  4. Google+ with 101 having in circles - 4.00%                    4.  Twitter  4392 followers - 10%
  5. Tumblr with 45 followers - 3.33%                                    5.  Google+  in 113 circles - 3.67%
I am not surprised that Facebook moved into #1 as I have been sharing there more, but I am surprised that Twitter slid down.  I thought Pinterest would have been in the top 5 this month, but it did move up to #6.

Social Source ranking when shared through the ShareThis widget

  1. Twitter - 58.95%                                                             1.  Twitter - 60.13%
  2. Stumble Upon - 12.63%                                                  2.  Stumble Upon - 10.67%
  3. Tumblr - 8.42%                                                               3.  Tumblr - 8.23%
  4. Pinterest with 71 followers - 7.37%                                  4.  Pinterest  88 followers - 6.96%
  5. Google+ - 4.21%                                                             5.  LinkedIn - 5.70%
  6. Facebook - 3.16%                                                           6.  Facebook - 3.16%
  7. Delicious - 2.11%                                                             7.  Google+ - 2.53%
  8. LinkedIn with 24 1st connections- 2.11%                          8.  Delicious - 1.90%
  9. Technorati - 1.05%                                                           9.  Technorati - 0.63%
My top 4 stayed the same.  Google shares fell and LinkedIn and Delicious increased.  Since Twitter updates don't update to LinkedIn anymore, I have found myself sharing on LinkedIn directly.  Maybe others are as well.

In last month's post I also took a poll asking my readers What is your best social source?  Here are the results:

Facebook - 58% of votes                                                           
Twitter - 21%                                                                              
Google+ - 11%
Stumble Upon - 5%
Other - 5%
Tumblr, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Delicious did not receive any votes.  Hhhmmmm.  That's interesting.

Are you a die hard fan of one social network or do you bounce around them all?  I guess I go through my phases.  I don't use Tumblr near as much as I used to.

Stop back next month and see if Facebook hung on to it's #1 title or if we have a new contender.

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